Skincare Tips to Maintain Your Natural Glow
When it comes to having healthy skin, it’s important to proactively maintain it year-round, especially during extreme weather or changes in the seasons. We all have different skin types, so there’s no one size fits all fix when it comes to taking care of your skin. However, there are some simple steps that everyone can take to ensure their skin is looking its best.
Cleansing should be the first step of any daily skincare routine
A gentle cleanser should be used every morning and night to get rid of dirt and makeup. If you’re using a cleanser with alpha-hydroxy acids, be sure to use it no more than twice a week as it can dry out your skin if used too often or in high concentrations.
Moisturizing should be done every day to prevent dry or flaky skin
During the colder months, you may want to use a heavier moisturizer to provide some extra protection against the cold and wind. Additionally, you should look for a moisturizer that has SPF protection to protect your skin from sun damage.

In addition to cleansing and moisturizing
You should look into adding a weekly exfoliation treatment to your skincare routine. Exfoliation is important because it helps remove dead skin cells and can help brighten your complexion. Mild exfoliation treatments such as an oatmeal scrub are good for sensitive skin types, while stronger treatments such as microdermabrasion are more suitable for normal or oily skin.
Finally, you should look into using a weekly face mask
Face masks can help reduce inflammation, clear your pores, reduce wrinkles, and keep your skin looking younger and healthier. Make sure to pick one that is suitable for your skin type; for example, if you have acne-prone skin, you may want to consider using a clay or charcoal mask.
By following these simple tips, you can keep your skin looking healthy and glowing year-round. Make sure to cleanse, moisturize, exfoliate, and mask regularly to keep your skin in tip-top shape!